Weighted Blanket (2019)
Yarn, 21”w x 26 1/4”h
I asked 25 moms and expectant mothers to answer the questions “What do you want most for your child?” and “What are you most afraid of for your child?” I compiled their responses and knit the full transcript in a stream of conscious style into a baby blanket using Morse code where a sound beat in Morse code = one yarn color, and a silent beat in Morse code = another yarn color. Each time a color combination switches in the piece, it indicates a new response.
The full transcript of responses is as follows:
To be happy healthy and grow up doing a job that gives back to society That she will be shot in her classroom Be healthy and keep all of his senses and limbs intact School shooters That he will become addicted to substances Have fun being a baby That he will become a republican Happiness Choking Have love and joy in his life The consequences to losing his parents too young Climate change and the degrading ecosystem To truly love life, their own and others Love strength humor Death sickness Happiness Too much heartbreak or loss All the lyrics to forever young To find comfort and grace within himself and learn how to take action and create in a world where there is no certainty To know the feelings of love and how to give love across boundaries and despite limitations A world that is not accepting that is dark with little hope That my child will turn to unhealthy choices to cope Acceptance of a spectrum of ideologies and a curiosity to explore differences and otherness War in our country within themselves and with others I fear that conflict will define their lives A full fulfilled life whatever that might mean for him That he will live in a world with problems that my generation has created and not solved Have a good sense of humor and not hate me The world imploding while she is still alive on it Kidnapping Sexual assault The cascading impacts of climate change For her to discover who she is and confidently be that person That the world or I will stifle her joy Opioids and gun violence To feel loved and cherished To have strong healthy friendships and relationships To find something she cares about and experience the fulfillment of working hard to achieve a goal even if she fails What catastrophes will be affecting our planet in his lifetime or that of his kids To be happy in what he does especially if that has a positive impact on the greater world To be loved fiercely To be brave in the face of adversity or unkindness